COLLAB vibes - Welcome to New York City
Can you believe it is already July? Safe to say that the year is flying by!
So I've been living in the Big Apple just a little over four months, and it's safe to say I think I've settled in and the partying lifestyle may be coming to a semi-end *I repeat, semi end...
I still love going out, and enjoying good company with my friends... over the past four months I've been so gigs, fashion events, clubs, NBA X Drake after party held at marquee nightclub, worked at a festival called Gov Ball, and thats just a taste of the crazy lifestyle I've been living and experienced. This city literally NEVER sleeps! I have been on the go and working hard towards my goals, career motives, and also my social life.
I managed to meet a rad dude called Lenny Toussaint who is a photographer/videographer @Saintsprojects one night at @Milkstudios (news and media corporation) where they held a creatives get together. It was dope and I met a bunch of like-minded creative heads in a similar industry as me!
Lenny and I got together a month ago and filmed a cool mini project full of fashion inspiration, details, trends and styles that I put together. We managed to film around New York City. The footage Lenny got really touched me and has played a major role in my life here in NYC thus far.
What is the project?
It's a mini interview with me... about me and my future aspirational goals and the reasoning behind moving to the states.

Heres a snippet of the footage we managed to capture, not only was it a fun project to work on, but the scenery was incredible.
Check the video here:
Check out this other work and keep updated via his social media pages: @lennytoussaint @saintsprojects

Keep informed with my future projects and vlogs via my social media pages:
@carinamirabile // twitter handle: @carinamirabile.